Monday, April 25, 2011

Hijab of the moment?

Salaam! So the reason I haven't blogged in months is because I broke my keyboard :( But I got a wireless one until I can get a new laptop inshallah. I have my eyes on a pricey pink mac book! Anyways, I know there are a thousand and one fashion blogs, but I want to jump on the bandwagon! I don't mean everyday but once in awhile. I feel so inspired by the hijab clad women and I know the hardest thing about being a new Muslim was the dress code for myself. But it is an obligation for us. I didn't start covering on a regular basis until over a year after converting, until I did it for all the right reason. Now I refuse to take it off :) any who, I will start this soon but I will be taking pictures by myself so don't expect anything fancy! Ciao for now, bellas!
This was taken in Tunisia when I was pregnant, my husband loves this outfit!

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