Monday, April 25, 2011

Hijab of the moment?

Salaam! So the reason I haven't blogged in months is because I broke my keyboard :( But I got a wireless one until I can get a new laptop inshallah. I have my eyes on a pricey pink mac book! Anyways, I know there are a thousand and one fashion blogs, but I want to jump on the bandwagon! I don't mean everyday but once in awhile. I feel so inspired by the hijab clad women and I know the hardest thing about being a new Muslim was the dress code for myself. But it is an obligation for us. I didn't start covering on a regular basis until over a year after converting, until I did it for all the right reason. Now I refuse to take it off :) any who, I will start this soon but I will be taking pictures by myself so don't expect anything fancy! Ciao for now, bellas!
This was taken in Tunisia when I was pregnant, my husband loves this outfit!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquakes in 19 countries

Salaam alykum, I've been sooo busy moving and getting adjusted to a new routine, that I haven't had time to post. Anyways, besides moving, i'm trying to find a new job so I can get enrolled in school soon! Hamdollah,  everything is good pretty well for myself and my family. But it seems like every where else in the World is falling apart. The World is just getting worse and worse. I wish more people would see this and realize that the end is coming closer. My prayers do go out to the Philippines, Indonessia, Russia, Papua New Guinea, Austrila, Fiji, Mexico, New Zealand, Guetemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Chilie, Ecuador, Alaska, Hawaii, and of course Japan. Inshallah  everything will blow over soon.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

60 ways to keep your wife

Salaam alykum! It's been so long since I've wrote, but it has been a busy last couple of weeks! My  husband and I found a new place and inshallah we are moving in 2 weeks! I am so excited! We both have been so busy we never get to see each other it feels like :/ But we make sure to have dinner together every night at least. So that means I cook a lot!! But we were watching a video last night on the and I recommend every husband and wife, sit down for one hour and watch this. I am a strong believer in keeping the love strong with your husband and children and this video made me feel like a Queen! I know sometimes being a housewife seems not very glamorous but, I wouldn't change it for the World.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Year, New Life!

I'm so excited for the next couple of months, my husband and I are looking for our first home, and inshallah we will find it soon! I also think I found the career for me and hope to enroll in school soon. I want to be a prenatal nurse. Take care of the mama's and babies! I know I shouldn't get to excited but, I really can't help it! I've had a lot of free time these last few days so I've been cooking a lot and also watching a lot of Watch the video's on there makes my faith grow stronger. Especially comparing the Quran and the Bible. Inshallah one day I will know everything in there! I want to teach my son everything! One fact I didn't know was in the Quran it says the Earth is shaped like an Ostrich egg. out of all the eggs to compare the World to, the one egg that is actually a sphere, marshallah.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Today is a good day for my husband and his country! Tunisia's President Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali, has fled the country! But not before hundreds were killed in protest to his harsh dictation. Alhamdollah! Inshallah now they will get a better leader that will provide jobs for his people and think about what they need before his own wants. Ben Ali encouraged drinking and the party life in Tunisia and preferred the Tunisians don't follow Allah so he would be more free to rule. Any ways, we are going to celebrate this victory now so pretty much what I wanted to say, is stand up for what you believe in, and inshallah, everything will be ok.  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Muy triste

Salaam alykum, soooo i'm pretty bummed right now. My father called me pretty much saying that he doesn't care what life choices I make, but he doesn't want it around his family. He has never came out and asked me, but it's pretty obvious i'm a Muslim. On my facebook it says I am, all my new pictures are covered. My grandparents know and a couple other members of my family as well. But my brother is going through a really hard time now with drugs. He can't stop even after rehab so I invited him to come with my husband and I sometime if he would like and I guess he told my dad. Blah, feeling very sad, pretty much because he told me he doesn't want to know, like I have to keep this amazing part of me hidden :( and he said he knows whats in my heart and that it's Christianity. But Allah comes first, before everything. I am proud of myself and the life I have now. Never before have I been so sure of myself. When I look at my beautiful son, I feel so blessed that he will never have to go through what I had to inshallah. [By the way, the picture above his my dad andson leaving the hospital with me over a year ago now.]

Monday, January 10, 2011


Last night my husband and I were talking about my grandparents. They are getting old and very sick and i'm always thinking of them and the end of their lives. They don't really follow a religion and it really worries me. I really want to teach them about Islam but where do I start! I wish to transfer all of my family into this beautiful way of life. When my grandma found out I was Muslim she was very supportive. "I respect your God and your way of life!" Ohhhh grandma, if only you knew! I don't understand how it can be 2011 and there are still ignorant people!? When I was younger I thought Muslims and Hindu's were the same! In America, everything seems to be blessed by Jesus. Anyways, my husband and I are going to try to show them the truth, I will keep you posted on how this goes and please say a prayer for them!